Welcome to the
  • 3D buildings
  • Map around USC football stadium
  • Street map
  • Hotspot map
  • Elevation representation map
  • Interactive GIS Web Apps

    City Information Viewer.

    City Information Viewer

    This application provides city related information to the public based on a user's input address. It shows whether an input address is located within the city limit and information about council district, council member, neighborhood and zoning.

    Parks and Parking

    Parks Finder

    This application provides City of Columbia parks information based on a user's input address. It displays parks that are adjacent to a user's address.

    Public Parking Deck Locator

    Public Parking Deck Finder

    This application provides City of Columbia parking information based on a user's input address or geolocation. It displays parking decks that are adjacent to a user's input.

    Code and Rental

    Code Enforcement and Rental Property Viewer

    This application provides information about Code Violations and Rental Properties.

    Riverfront Park Story Map

    Riverfront Park Story Map

    This application features histories, scenic vistas, biodiversity, and healthy living as a story map style. All elements of a Southern Jewel at the City of Columbia's Riverfront Park.


    City of Columbia Landmarks

    This application features the City of Columbia's historic and modern landmarks with pictures and descriptions.

    Fire Stations

    Fire Stations

    This application provides fire station information based on a user's input address. It displays fire stations that are adjacent to a user's address.

    GIS data and PDF Maps

    Open Data Portal

    Open Data Portal

    City of Columbia's Open Data Portal to provide accessible, convenient and transparent information for those seeking details about our operations.                                                                                               

    City Limits

    City Limits

    This PDF map shows the current city limits for the City of Columbia. It is D-size (24"x36").                                                                                               

    Council Districts

    Council Districts

    This PDF map shows the current City Council District boundaries. It is D-size (24"x36").                                                                                               

    Click HERE to see individual Council Districts.

    Voting Precincts and Polling Locations

    Voting Precincts and Polling Locations

    This PDF map shows the current Voting Precincts and Polling Locations for the City of Columbia.(24 x36)                                                                    

    Click HERE for more Election information.



    This PDF map shows neighborhoods by Council Districts. These maps are E-size (36"x48").

    Click HERE to see individual neighborhood boundaries.                                                                                                

    About The GIS Division

    Our Mission

    The mission of the GIS division is to provide the City government with access to comprehensive and accurate geosptial data as well as the tools necessary to utilize such information for improved problem solving and making informed decisions.

    What We Do

    We provide training, spatial data creation and management, geospatial analysis and GIS support services to all departments within the City. Additionally, the GIS Division develops, maintains and supports internal and public facing GIS web applications to provide better services to employees and citizens.

    Data collection and development is the core of any GIS system. City GIS staff are proficient in the use of GPS (Global Positioning System) technology. This is used to accurately map city assets such as fire hydrants, water meters, manholes and even endangered Spider Lilies found along the beautiful rivers that flow in and around Columbia. This data collection not only serves to put a point on a map, but also provides information about the location. What type of fire hydrant is it? What flow rate does it have? When was it last serviced? This type of spatial and attribute information is the foundation of the City's work order management system and serves to insure City workers are able to complete work orders and address citizen concerns as they arise. Location, location, location... Everything has one and GPS and GIS technologies tie these locations to many of the City services relied on by the citizens of Columbia.

    GIS Divison Logo

    GIS Division


    Hours of Operation
    Monday - Friday
    8:30 - 5:00

    Additional Contact Info:

    City related questions should be directed to Customer Care for general information inquiry
    Phone: 803-545-3300

    Food Distribution Sites and Grocery Store Locations

    City of Columbia GIS Viewer Disclaimer

    City of Columbia GIS Landing Page
    City of Columbia, South Carolina... © 2022 - All Rights Reserved.